When it comes to our health and fitness, we know that if you do not make changes you will not see changes. No amount of waiting, hoping, or wishing will make it happen. You have to take action.
As the saying goes, "To do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity."
Why, then, do so many of us continue to repeat the same mistakes?
It's because the emotional cycle of creating change is not always well understood. We seldom even pause to consider how we are feeling as we approach our goals and without taking the time to examine our emotions, we may find ourselves stuck in a perpetual cycle of motivation and discouragement.
We start out with enthusiasm, believing that this will be the time that we make these changes work. But enthusiasm can quickly fade as we encounter roadblocks or when we fail to see results quickly enough.
When you're trying to make a change, there are five key stages of emotions that we experience. Understanding the emotional cycle of creating change can help you push through the plateau and realize the change you want to see in your life.
If we think of these emotional cycles in terms of a graph, we would see a U-shape. In the beginning, we experience high emotions; we are excited and eager to make these changes. As we progress through the emotional cycle of change, our positive feelings about the change will begin to wane, and we may start to experience negative emotions. If we can push through the low, we will rise up again and experience the excitement and confidence of having met the change we want to see in our lives.
Below is a summary of the 5 stages of emotions we experience when making a change.
Uninformed Optimism
Are you someone who says, “I’m really good at starting stuff but terrible at finishing”?
This is called uninformed optimism. We feel excitement at the idea of creating this change, but we are not yet aware of the difficulties that lie ahead.
The best thing to do during this phase is to make a list of the benefits you hope to achieve by making this change. This way, when you approach the next emotional phase of change, you'll be better equipped to push through.
Informed Pessimism
In this phase, you have experienced or understand the challenges that occur when making the change. You now know what you didn't know before.
It's common in this phase to experience feelings of frustration, and anxiety, and you might want to abandon your goal. This is because you're likely focused on looking at the cost of the change rather than the benefits of making the change. It may even feel like the cost outweighs the benefits.
The Valley of Despair
The lowest point of the cycle. Here you will experience the pain of change where the benefits seem unimportant because they are too far away.
The easiest option during this time is to quit.
But here's the thing, when you quit, you'll have to start all over at stage 1 in something else anyway!
Anything that you start will always look like "the grass is greener" because you're starting at the place of uninformed optimism, which will ultimately lead you back here into the valley.
When you're considering quitting, refer back to the list of benefits you made when you first started.
Informed Pessimism
In this phase, you’ve made it past the valley of despair and have experienced some success with your change. You still remember the pain of the struggle, but now you can see that you are on track and making progress. At this point, it's important not to let your guard down. Staying focused on your goal will help ensure that it stays on the right course.
The emotional cycle of creating change is a powerful tool that can help us make positive changes in our lives. By understanding the five stages and recognizing how we feel during each one, we are better equipped to push through the valley of despair and reach our goals.
Strategies For The Emotional Cycle of Creating Change
Here are some practical strategies to get through the 5 stages of the emotional cycle of change:
By following these strategies, you can navigate the emotional cycle of change more effectively and achieve lasting success in reaching your goals.
The emotional cycle of creating change is a powerful tool that can help us make positive changes in our lives. By understanding the five stages and recognizing how we feel during each one, we are better equipped to push through the valley of despair and reach our goals.
The key is to stay focused on your goal, have faith in yourself even when it gets hard, and remember why you set out on this journey in the first place. With patience and perseverance, you will be able to create meaningful change both within yourself and around you.
So take some time today to reflect on what kind of change you want to see in your life – then start taking steps towards making it happen!
If you're ready to make a change to your current fitness, book a call with me and we can work together on creating a plan for your goals.
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Alexas Fotos on Pexels